Wild bloom studio

DIY Wedding Table Runners

cute scissors

Welcome to DIY land! Shortly after I got engaged I started planning what I ​wanted our center pieces to look like. I searched the interwebs for the exact color ​table runner I wanted, but I couldn't find it. Which is how I ended up in DIY table ​runner land, but sadly there weren't any in depth directions on how to make them. ​Sooooo I decided to document exactly how my Mom and I created the table ​runners for you.

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First thing you need to do is determine how much cheesecloth you're going to need. My wedding venue has 72" ​round tables, which are about 36" tall. This is where you will need to determine if you want the runner to go all ​the way to the floor or not, I don't want it to. Here's how I came up with the length I wanted...

72" (table diameter) + 54" (how much I want the runner to hang over the table sides) = 126 inches of cheesecloth ​per table runner, aka 3.5 yards.

With the number of guests we are having, I needed 15 table runners, which is about 53 yards of cheesecloth. ​Don't forget to add in a few extra table runners, just in case. To Amazon I ran...

After ordering the cheesecloth, I decided what color I wanted to dye the runners. Rit Dye has an amazing ​website with EVERY color recipe you can think of. Here's the recipe I went with!

You can get Rit Dye from your local craft store or Amazon. Beware though ordering if from Amazon ​you're probably going to pay more per bottle, than at a craft store.

Now for the dyeing part, you're going to want to do this outside if possible because it can be messy! ​Otherwise, put a sheet of plastic down to avoid a mess.

Make sure to cut all of your runners to length prior to dyeing them. They are easier to deal with in the ​shorter amounts.

Head over to see a video on process --> VIDEO

Fill your rubber tote with hot water and dye, I doubled the recipe above, meaning I needed 6 gallons ​of water. Here's a video on the recipe I used.

Video on recipe I used --> VIDEO

I found that I could do one table runner at a time, due to the length of the runners. The time each ​runner is in the hot water, is going to depend on the coloring you want. I wanted dark runners, I ​started with each runner in the dye for 4 mins. As the water cooled, I found that I needed to leave the ​runners in the dye longer.

Once the table runners reached the desired color, I removed them from the dye, rinsed thoroughly ​until the water ran clean and then hung them on a clothesline to dry.

They turned out better than I could have hoped for! HUGE thank you to my mom for taking the day to ​help me with this project, I couldn't do it without her!

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